Nghastell Newydd Emlyn

Ategyn ddim yn gweithio

  Dydd Mercher, 11 2018 Gorffennaf
  1 atebion
  Ymweliadau 6K
Just started having this issue. When I specifically try Select Duplicate and Unique Cells based on 6 selected columns (something that I have been able to do for two years), Excel shuts down. When I open Excel, I get a message that states Excel is running into problems with the 'kutools for excel 17.00' add-in. If this keeps happening, disable this add-in and check for available updates. Do you want to disable it now? I did do this when I went from 16.00 to 17.00, but that did not solve the issue. I am using Excel 2013 on the most current version of Windows 10 Pro. Any suggestions?
blynyddoedd 5 yn ôl
Ceisiwch gysylltu â ni drwy .
A allwch chi greu sampl o ddata mewn llyfr gwaith newydd a rhoi cynnig arall arni?
Os yw'r broblem yn parhau gyda'r llyfr gwaith sampl, anfonwch ef ataf.
Dywedwch wrthyf y wybodaeth fersiwn o'ch Swyddfa a'ch system gyfrifiadurol.
Ddiolch i mewn ddyrchaf.
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